Printed Maps
• Large format hard copy maps are produced for CMV enforcement planning reference, usually hung on field office walls.
• Small map handouts are produced for CMV special operations, where troopers need to quickly familiarize themselves with local conditions.
Geocoding Services
COVERLAB staff provide geo-locating services for mapping events that are used for planning enforcement activities.
• Crashes – we map approximately 98% of all CMV-involved crashes in North Carolina (~9,000 – 14,ooo per year).
• Citations – we map approximately 90% of all citations issued in the field, including overweight and out-of-service violations issued.
• Inspections – we map approximately 90% of all inspections conducted in the field

Layer Development
GIS layers help troopers visualize relationships between activities and demand by providing a visual reference for deploying enforcement personnel and identifying the appropriate types enforcement activities to conduct.
• Roads and bridges that are vulnerable to damage from overweight vehicles
• High Crash Corridors
• Weigh Stations
• Posted Roads and Bridges
• Troop Boundaries
• Troop Installations
• Mile Markers
• Truck Routes
• Fuel Pumps

Posters are developed by our professional GIS staff for:
• Providing “big picture” context for COVERLAB projects
• Showcasing our work at industry conferences
• Explaining our products and services to unfamiliar audiences
• Custom requests by our partners

This poster provides an overview of COVERLAB Analytics, including the business case, how it works, and how it helps North Carolina’s CMV enforcement program improve planning operations through data driven decision management.